Anything for a Hit
By:Dorothy Carvello
Published on 2018-09-04 by Chicago Review Press
Dorothy Carvello knows all about the music biz. She was the first female A&R executive at Atlantic Records, and one of the few in the room at RCA and Columbia. But before that, she was secretary to Ahmet Ertegun, Atlantic's infamous president, who signed acts like Aretha Franklin and Led Zeppelin, negotiated distribution deals with Mick Jagger, and added Neil Young to Crosby, Stills & Nash. The stories she tells about the kingmakers of the music biz are outrageous, but it is her sinuous friendship with Ahmet that frames her narrative. He was notoriously abusive, sexually harassing Dorothy on a daily basis. Carvello reveals here how she flipped the script and showed Ertegun and every other man who tried to control her that a woman can be just as willing to do what it takes to get a hit. Never-before-heard stories about artists like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Steven Tyler, Bon Jovi, INXS, Marc Anthony, and many more make this book a must-read for anyone looking for the real stories on what it takes for a woman to make it in a male-dominated industry.
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Book ID of Anything for a Hit's Books is 9AhODwAAQBAJ, Book which was written byDorothy Carvellohave ETAG "cDFD8tMLQqI"
Book which was published by Chicago Review Press since 2018-09-04 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780912777931 and ISBN 10 Code is 0912777931
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Book which have "240 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBiography and Autobiography
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