Kamis, 02 Mei 2019

Biopolymers from Renewable Resources

Biopolymers from Renewable Resources
By:David L. Kaplan
Published on 2013-03-09 by Springer Science & Business Media

Biopolymers from Renewable Resources is a compilation of information on the diverse and useful polymers derived from agricultural, animal, and microbial sources. The volume provides insight into the diversity of polymers obtained directly from, or derived from, renewable resources. The beneficial aspects of utilizing polymers from renewable resources, when considering synthesis, pro cessing, disposal, biodegradability, and overall material life-cycle issues, suggests that this will continue to be an important and growing area of interest. The individual chapters provide information on synthesis, processing and properties for a variety of polyamides, polysaccharides, polyesters and polyphenols. The reader will have a single volume that provides a resource from which to gain initial insights into this diverse field and from which key references and contacts can be drawn. Aspects of biology, biotechnology, polymer synthesis, polymer processing and engineering, mechanical properties and biophysics are addressed to varying degrees for the specific biopolymers. The volume can be used as a reference book or as a teaching text. At the more practical level, the range of important materials derived from renewable resources is both extensive and impressive. Gels, additives, fibers, coatings and films are generated from a variety of the biopolymers reviewed in this volume. These polymers are used in commodity materials in our everyday lives, as well as in specialty products.

This Book was ranked at 16 by Google Books for keyword neab chx chemistry composite pack.

Book ID of Biopolymers from Renewable Resources's Books is IYfqCAAAQBAJ, Book which was written byDavid L. Kaplanhave ETAG "j+6WXMmZxiQ"

Book which was published by Springer Science & Business Media since 2013-03-09 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9783662036808 and ISBN 10 Code is 3662036800

Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true

Book which have "420 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryTechnology and Engineering

This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""

This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE

Book was written in en

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is true and in ePub is true

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Biopolymers from Renewable Resources

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